Thursday, November 8, 2007

Recipe websites

Tim was reading my blog and made a suggestion on a future post. He said I should write about recipe websites. I'm sure there are many recipe sites online but I think the most popular are:

recipezaar. com

I'm more familiar with Allrecipes. I've signed up as a member (free) and each day I'm sent new recipes to try. Tim use to say that I had only 20 recipes that I would continually use over and over. Now we are trying all different foods. In one of my earlier blog posts I wrote about Tim's Banana cake. He found that on allrecipes. Each recipe lists comments and ratings from people who have tried the recipes. Some readers even leave comments on how to improve the recipe. I think this method is much better than trying to find something in a cookbook. How many times have you tried recipes and it turned out much different than you thought?

Tim needs to eat low sugar low fat foods for his health. These websites have special sections for people who require special diets. Allrecipes has a recipe box set up for you so while your browsing different recipes you can save recipes into your box for future viewing.

Check out the sites and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Missy said...

awesome jackie, thanks for the other websites. I am always hunting for recipes, and like you need those special ones. I love when you can find them. Have you ever heard of a place where you can submit your own recipes to have made into a book? Like the ones you see for fundraisers, etc. I know Kristin had mentioned that one website, but I think you had to pick from their recipes. I thought it might be fun to put my allergy/family recipes in print, to make it easier for me.
Also--I love your new format, looks great!
Oh-and the whole computer thing turned out to be something with the drive being bad, we got a new one and our friend is going to update it all for us, so we should be going at lightning speed before too long! Thanks for your advice on that-you're a pro!