Sunday, March 2, 2008

All aboard the Las Vegas Foreclosure Bus

Coming to Vegas for a a visit? You can add another fun thing to do while you're here, jump on the Foreclosure Express. A fun way to spend your Saturday afternoon touring the areas foreclosed homes..... You can feel like a real scavenger preying on the misfortune of others...

There are more than 22,000 houses for sale in and around Las Vegas, 11,000 of those homes for sale are owned by banks. Home tours on the Foreclosure Express are the real estate version of speed dating. Everyone is through the house in between 5-10 minutes.

Neighbors of foreclosed homes hate seeing the bus go through their neighborhoods. To them its like seeing a flock of buzzards scooping down for the kill. No one wants to see a house in their neighborhood sell for half of what they paid for their house.

1 comment:

kelly said...

Only in Vegas - A tour capitalizing, and celebrating other's misfortune. Give it a couple months, and there will be lines to sign up.