Monday, March 3, 2008

Book review - Lottery by Patricia Wood

On Sunday afternoon I started the book Lottery by Patricia Wood. It was recommended by Les who has a book blog. The book was so good that I hated for it to end. I was getting so upset at some of the characters that I wanted to climb into the story and help protect Perry from his family.

Perry L. Crandall (L. stands for lucky) would like you to know that he is not retarded he is just slow. Retarded would be 75 on an IQ test, and he is 76. Besides, Perry takes care not only of himself, but also of his Gram who is always giving him words of advice and encouragement. His mother abandons him and his brothers want nothing to do with him because he is retarded.

After Gram dies three strangers prove to be more valuable than family. Gary, the owner of Holsted's Marine Supply who has employed Perry since he was sixteen years old; Keith, Perry's co-worker; and Cherry a young, tattooed and pierced cashier at the local Marina Handy Mart.

When Perry wins the Washington state lottery we learn just who his real friends (and real family) are. His mostly estranged cousin-brothers come knocking, strangers arrive on his doorstep... I was sitting on the edge of my seat hoping that Perry would be able to distinguish the friends from the leeches (his family).

There is so much to love about Patricia Wood's first novel. She was inspired by her father winning 6 million dollars in the Washington lottery and her brother-in-law who has downs syndrome. The characters are rich and real and alive. You will be cheering for Perry through out the book. The ending is so unexpected and perfect. Typical Perry response.... A great feel good book!

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