Friday, February 15, 2008

Valentine's meal

Tim and I decided to have a quiet meal at home for Valentine's day. We started out with a nice bottle of red wine from Spain, Heredad Crianza 2004. Our salad was a mixture of different salad greens topped with vegetables and strawberries. I decided to try Kristin's curried shrimp that was on her blog a couple of days ago. Very good! When I make it again I would cut down on the peas..... too many for my liking. The meal was then topped off with a drop dead chocolate ice cream sandwich dessert. It was so easy and quick to make that I will make this dessert again. THe best part is that Tim thought it took a long time to make and now it is one of his favorite desserts. It is a freezer dessert so no rush in eating it before it spoils. The wine description along with the recipe for the dessert will be on the blog soon.

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