Friday, February 15, 2008

Quote for the day.

“Your actions are speaking so loudly, I can no longer hear your words”

I love how this relates to every aspect of life:

In life - your actions affect others. Following through is a great example of this. If you promise a friend or family member something and then don’t hold true to your word, it’s less likely that they will believe your promise the next time around. When your actions are full of integrity and authenticity, people will hold your word in high regard.
In love - when you are treating someone with love and respect, your words compliment your actions. However, when you say one thing and act differently, it’s not likely that your partner will believe your words. It’s easier to read a person’s character by the actions he/she takes than by the words they feed to you.
In career - your actions determine your success. If your investors, partners, clients, etc. don’t receive the value that you are promising…guess what is going to happen? Likewise, if your time isn’t used effectively, your words can only promise so much.

In all of these areas, your actions not only affect others, but also yourself. If you were to judge your life, love and career based on your actions, how would you rate your success? What can you do to take responsibility for the actions you need to take?

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