Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Second Loan

We have made our second Kiva loan to Ajida Bengir. Ajida is a 41 year old married woman.She is from Vitez (Sarajevo,Bosnia and Herzegovina). Her husband is self-employed and they have 4 kids from 6-16 years old. They own a coffee shop and their monthly incomes are 1200 KM. That income is not enough for six family members.

Ajida will use this loan for purchasing additional equipment and supplies for her coffee shop. She is hoping that this will be a good investment and that she will increase monthly family incomes.

Kelly bought us two gift certificates to donate money to this organization for Christmas. This is the second loan. I just got an email on our first loan that the woman has started paying her loans off and as soon as she is done we will get our money back to loan out to another person.

If you interested in helping out, go to and check out their website. Loans start at 25.00 increments.

1 comment:

kels said...

ah darn! I was looking for that website for christmas too!! Ill have to write it down...what a great way to share the wealth!!!