Sunday, January 20, 2008

Nevada has spoken

On Saturday Nevada held its caucus. Our local papers said it was a mass confusion and many problems. Some people in certain areas were not allowed to vote because they were given the wrong information of where to caucus. When they finally got to the right place, the doors were closed to them. Interesting, then has Nevada really spoken if some people were denied the chance to be heard?

Mitt Romney was by far the clear winner in Nevada which was not a surprise since we have many Mormons who live in Nevada. The real race was among the Democrats. Hillary won 51% of the vote, Obama 45% and Edwards a shocking 4%. Hillard was declared the winner. But was she the winner? Even though she won the popular vote and was declared the winner in Nevada, did you know that she only got 12 of the delegates from the state and Obama got 13. So didn't Obama really win?

Being an independent voter I am far from making a decision on who to vote for in November. I have a real problem when the Clinton campaign makes calls to homes in Nevada telling women they should vote for Hillary because she is a woman and we need a woman in the White House. What a stupid reason for electing our next president. We should elect a president who is the best person for the job not because of their race or gender.


Anonymous said...


havent been on for a while! good posts!!!

kristinleigh said...

Word.Nice post, and nice insight into the nasty details of the NV caucus.