Wednesday, January 23, 2008

There will be Blood - movie

Last night we went to see There Will be Blood. A movie that has been nominated for best picture and the main character, Daniel Day-Lewis for best actor.

There Will Be Blood is a movie " loosely " adapted from the 1927 novel OIL! by Upton Sinclair. The movie centers on a character Daniel Plainview, played by Daniel Day-Lewis, who starts out as a simple silver miner that happens upon oil in his silver efforts. Fast forward a few years and he's made himself a pretty rich man; a wise and shrewd business/oil man, that gets to the point to where he'll step over anyone to get what he wants. Plainview goes from town to town, convincing the locals to give him the rights to search for oil on their land. Helping to make the thoroughly cold-hearted Plainview seem more like a stand-up fella is the fact that he travels with his young son, who in reality is the offspring of a fellow worker who died at a previous well site. Acting on a tip, Plainview and his son travel to a Godforsaken patch of dust called Little Boston, where they win the trust of the local "hicks" and set up a major drilling operation. The one fly in the ointment is Eli Sunday (Paul Dano), a charismatic preacher who resents Plainview’s presence and enters into an ongoing volley for power that will escalate over the decades. Both talk a good game about taking care of their families and the people around them, but it’s wealth, not love, they’re after.

The movie has a lot of twists and turns. I thought it was a long movie at 158 minutes. Some parts were really slow and drawn out. I think Daniel Day-Lewis deserves "best actor" in this movie. He goes through so many ups and down and displays many emotions. I will be surprised if it wins best picture. I still think No Country for Old Men is better and should win best picture at the Academy Awards.

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