Tuesday, January 29, 2008

La Collina Italian Restaurant

There are plenty of expensive restaurants on the Strip that offer breathtaking views. Even the Top of the World restaurant at the tip of the Stratosphere will impress the most jaded diner with its 800-feet-high revolving-360-degrees-every-hour view of Las Vegas. But for those seeking a more inexpensive yet refined vantage from which to enjoy first-rate Italian fare try La Collina's in Henderson. La Collina offers a gorgeous view of the night lights of Vegas and the Strip. It is set in a mountain in the city of Henderson. Not far from where we live. We first came to this restaurant when it first opened a couple of years ago. We were impressed with the beautiful views of the city. We decided when we had visitors from out of town and they wanted Italian food, this is where we would take them. So far everyone has been impressed.

Last Saturday night some friends from California/Rockford came for a visit. We gave them a couple of choices of where to eat. Two years ago we went to the barbecue restaurant at The District so they wanted to try something different and decided on Italian. We took them To La Collina's. We were lucky when we got there at 7pm that a nice table was open by the window over looking the city. Perfect. It was great to catch up with each other's lives and children. Hopefully soon we will meet them in San Fransisco for another quick get together.

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