Sunday, January 6, 2008

If you're planning a heart attack

According to Thomas Maugh of the Los Angeles Times (01/03/08), there is new research just released that says people who suffer cardiac arrest are more likely to survive if they are in a casino or airport than if they are in a hospital. Interesting..... I guess if Tim or I have any heart problems during the winter, Vegas is the place to be. The article goes on to say that doctors know that more than half of those who suffer such attacks in airports and casinos survive. But a new study shows that only a third of victims in hospitals survive -- primarily because patients do not receive life-saving defibrillation within the recommended two minutes. People who suffer cardiac arrest in the middle of an airport or casino -- where defibrillators are widely available -- are typically noticed immediately, whereas a lone patient suffering an attack in a hospital room may not be noticed for much of the crucial window of opportunity during which defibrillation is most effective.

The advice here, at least for now, if your planning a heart attack, head to the nearest casino or airport, it could increase your chances of survival.

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