Sunday, November 11, 2007

Clown necklace

On one of the occasions that I made honor roll in high school, my father came home with a clown necklace for me. He worked at Gimbels, and while walking pass the girls department he saw this clown necklace. He said it reminded him of me. Unfortunately I was 16 years old, and did not appreciated the thoughtful gift my father had bought nor of the idea that it reminded him of me. Needless to say I thanked my father and put it in my dresser drawer. It remained in my drawer for years until Kristin, who was probably 3 or 4 at the time, removed the necklace from it's hiding place to play with. She would prance around the house with the clown around her neck. Eventually the chain broke and I'm not sure what ever happened to the clown. Years later I have thought about the necklace especially since my dad died. I wondered why he picked that necklace to give me. I regretted not appreciating the special gift that he went out of his way to give me. I wish I still had that necklace.

For the last 7 years I have been looking at rummage sales, estate sales and even Ebay trying to find a duplicate of my clown necklace. This past summer after years of looking, I finally found the exact necklace in perfect condition. Even though it is not the necklace that my father gave me, I look at it's duplicate hanging from my lamp and I think of him and that special day he thought of me.


kristinleigh said...

I really enjoyed this one! I didn't know this story!

Jackie said...

The clown doesn't look familiar?

Missy said...

im so glad you found another one to remind you! how awesome