Monday, May 12, 2008

A truly special mother's day

It's been over 7 years since I've had my children home for Mother's day. With busy schedules and living in other states sometimes it was difficult to get together. Tim was a real trooper when the kids couldn't make it and always made sure I had a special day. This year both kids made it home. We were also joined by Karen and Ben. Karen is Kristin's best friend and Ben is Kelly's business partner.

My Mother's day started out on Thursday where Tim took me out to Steins and we picked out three red rose bushes for the front yard. It was early in the evening and he even planted them. On Friday when I got home from my mom's, on the kitchen table there were 12 beautiful long stem roses. Wow, I must have been really special.

On Saturday Karen and Kristin made a wonderful dinner with two appitizers, steak and salmon and a dilicious chocolate dessert. Kristin was in Kentucky the weekend before and her hostess served these delicious meals. Kristin was able to snag the recipes so she could make them for us. Delicious. Hope to get the recipes soon to put on my recipe blog.

On Sunday Kristin and Karen ran downtown where I met them at Alterra's for coffee. I got a beautiful plant from Karen to plant outside. Kelly ended my pefect weekend with a dinner of chicken parmesan.

Thank you all, for the best Mother's Day I have ever had!

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