Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Square foot garden

Yesterday we basically finished our garden. We still have to plant the beans, put up the trellis and then a fence. Here are the pictures of our garden in progress. I tried to get a picture of Tim working on the garden but he refused.....

Digging out the grass under the frames.

The dirt is tilled and is now ready for the additives.

Sand, lime, peat moss, ash, etc is added to the soil and mixed together.

String is used to mark off each 1x1 foot sections.

Now the fun part, the planting of all the vegetables. We planted seeds and plants. If you look closely you will see that tomatoes will take up 4 squares while a pepper will take up one square. On the north side of the garden are the vine types of plants. Tim will put up a trellis where the plants will grow up, including some of the tomatoes. We planted 4 types of peppers, eggplants, carrots, radishes, spaghetti squash, zucchini, cucumbers, peas, beans, spinach, 3 different lettuce, basil, rosemary, oregano and cilantro. We have a lot of rabbits and deer around here so before we could put up the fence we put up temporary cages around the plants so they wouldn't be eaten. More pictures will come has our vegetables start to grow.

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