Saturday, May 3, 2008

Miller Brewery

Before Ben and Kelly left for Austin, we took them on a Miller Brewery tour. Kelly had tried to take Ben during the winter but got there to late for the tour. The last tour is at 3:30.

One of our stops on the tour was walking up a couple flight of stairs to the room that brews the beer in these shinny massive copper kettles.

This is the production floor where the cans and bottles are filled with beer.

Here is where the beer is stored after it has been packaged. It takes one day to clear out this entire warehouse and fill it up again.

"The Caves" were used to store barrels of beer before refrigeration, but now are just part of the brewery tour.

Final stop of the tour is the Miller Inn. Inside you are served three pints of perfect temperature Miller beer. In past tours you were able to pick the type of beer you wanted. This time we were served MGD, a Linenkugels Lemon beer and Miller Lite. Personally, I would have preferred other Miller beers. Can't complain too much, the entire tour is free. You're even served a bag of pretzels and free postcards to fill out. Miller will send out the postcards free. I wonder if Kristin ever got her post card from us.

After the tour we headed to Beno's on Greenfield for a great fish fry.

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