Saturday, April 12, 2008

College field trip....... The Chicken Ranch

Eleven female students from Randolph College in Lynchburg Virginia traveled to Pahrump Nevada(located around 45 minutes from Vegas) to visit the Chicken Ranch. Now you might be thinking, don't they have chicken ranches closer to home to visit? Well apparently not like this one ...... Pahrump's Chicken Ranch is a famous "legal" brothel.

On Thursday the brothel opened its doors to the group of students and lectured them on the brothel industry by the people who work it. It was a great way for the students to hear about the business from the working girls. After the lecture and tour the students were asked what they thought of the brothel business and many said it was hard to condemn the industry and women after seeing it in person.

A prostitute who goes by the name Alicia, left, shows her room to Johna, a student at Randolph College in Lynchburg, Va.

The visit to the Chicken Ranch was one part of a an eight day tour through Nevada. The students also toured Hoover Dam, met with ranchers, and went back stage at a Las Vegas show. The field trip was part of a 12 credit semester long American Culture Program at the school.

The Chicken Ranch was mostly quiet during the Thursday field trip. A lone customer showed up a few minutes before the students were to arrive. He nervously glanced at all the folding chairs and camera tripods set up in the parlor and high tailed it out. He must have thought it was one of those Dateline sex traps.

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