Thursday, March 20, 2008

Save the candy raisins!

In today's Milwaukee Journal there is an article about the famous candy raisin. The plant that produces these candies is closing in Pewaukee, Wisconsin. Laurel Walker from the Journal wrote an article in the paper telling people of a petition that is going around to save this candy.

If your not familiar with the candy raisin, don't worry, it seems to be more of a Wisconsin thing. Candy raisins are translucent, honey-colored candy shaped like Jujubes, textured like Dots and flavored like light ginger. When my kids were in college I use to send them bags of candy raisins in their care boxes from home.

Gary Radke, 38, a candy raisin lover has started a petition at a website he has created You can go there to sign the petition and learn more about Milwaukee's famous candy.

"Losing Candy Raisins, I'm told, would be like losing Brett Favre, Goldmann's Department Store, the United States Bowling Congress, or - heaven help us - bratwurst."

According to the Milwaukee Journal, the petition is getting a lot of buzz at the corporate headquarters. If this campaign is successful maybe it just won't be a Wisconsin favorite. Wouldn't it be nice if all the stores across the country started carrying bags of candy raisins!

So go to and sign the petition!

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