Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Salt Creek - Death Valley

Death Valley National Park is the driest place in the United States, but that doesn’t mean there’s no water. Salt Creek is one of the water sources in the park. It is three times salter than the oceans. Walk along the boardwalk and you can check out the only living creature than can survive the salty water, the pupfish. In winter and spring, the water stretchs into ribbons of creeks, and the pupfish populate these ample waters by the millions. In the peak of summer, however, the water retreats to the source of the springs. At times like these, the pupfish population dwindles to only a few hundred.

Spring time the fish are very active. It was hard to get a picture of them swimming around.

This zebra lizard came up on the boardwalk while we were walking. I love lizards and he seemed not to be too scared of our presence so we were able to take a couple of different pictures.

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