Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Luck of the Irish

Yesterday we went across the street to Green Valley Resort for St. Patty's Day. We had our glass of Guinness and then stood in line and waited for our chance to pick out a lucky green piggy bank and a chance to win 1000.00. I guess there were many other people who had the same thought as us. The line was long. We saw a few people walk by with their green colored banks but the majority were white banks. Once we got up to the table, the boxes that held the banks were scattered all over the tables. Tim was first, he walked up to the table and picked a box. Opened it up and it contained a green piggy bank. So then he walked up to the next table where he picked a coin out of a leprechauns hat. He received a 5.00 coin. Next was my turn. I also picked out a green piggy bank which was surprising since everyone else around me was getting white banks. Like Tim I also received a 5.00 coin. Oh well. We found out latter that the hat contained only one 1000.00 coin, all the rest were 5.00. I wonder if anyone had the extra Irish luck to get the 1000.00.

As were were starting to walk out of the casino I saw all the people who had the white banks and decided I wanted one of those. So I went up to a lady who I saw had two boxes. I asked her what color banks she had received. She said two white. So I then asked her if she wanted to make a trade, one of my green banks for one of her white banks. She quickly agreed. So that is why in the picture above, I have one green and one white piggy banks.

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