Friday, February 8, 2008

This weekend is the 19th annual Desert Quilters of Nevada quilt show. The doors opened at 9:00am and I've learned from past experience that you get there early to avoid the crowds especially if you want to take pictures or get up close to admire the quilts. I usually go up and down the aisles photographing what I think are the best quilts. After deciding that I have what I want, I will then back track to the beginning and go slowly down the aisles admiring the quilts and all the hark work it took to produce the quilts. I will try to imagine why a quilter picked a certain pattern or picked that fabric in her quilt. I also try to learn all the techniques done in machine quilting. There are very few quilts that are hand quilted. On the side of my blog is a slide show of some of the quilts. It took me around 1 1/2 hours to view the quilt show. I was glad when I was done since the noise level gets very high from all the women talking. I think many of them use this weekend as a way to catch up with all their quilting buddies who come together from all over Nevada and Arizona for this quilt show.


Missy said...

Cool Slideshow!

Anonymous said...

i liked the fish one!