Friday, February 22, 2008

Nevada Earthquake, 6.0 magnitude

Yesterday Nevada suffered a 6.0 magnitude earthquake near the rural town of Wells. Wells is located in the northeastern part of Nevada. Around 400 miles away from Las Vegas. The earthquake damaged hundreds of homes and ruptured gas and water lines in the mostly unoccupied historical district. There were three minor injuries. The temblor was felt from Northern Idaho and Utah to Southern California.

Except for Reno and Vegas, Nevada is a pretty remote area. You can drive through the state and all you'll see is desert and mountains. So any earthquake in this area will produce very little damage unless it is in Reno or Las Vegas.

While we were living in Rockford I remember experiencing my first earthquake on September 2, 1999. I was painting the computer room and was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling when all of a sudden the ladder shook and the paint almost fell off of the tray. I quickly climbed off the ladder having no idea what had just happened. Latter I found out the area had experienced a minor earthquake, only 3.5 magnitude. I probably would not have noticed it if I hadn't been on the ladder.

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