Saturday, February 16, 2008

Madison and Cathy break their ankles

Last week I heard of two ankle breakings.... My sister-in-law, Cathy fell on ice and suffered a broken ankle. The bad news for her was she was getting ready to enjoy some warm weather in Florida. Now she is stuck in snowy Wisconsin. Bummer.... Then the next day I heard my niece Madison fell and broke her ankle. Her mother sent these pictures of Madison.

Hope you both get better quickly!


Anonymous said...

That is so cute that you put Madison's picture on your blog! She doesn't understand it - but I'm sure she will in a couple of years!

Within hours of getting her pink cast on she was off and running. Hard to believe, I know! She hates the lack of balance she has with the crutches so she will not use them. With this snowy, wet weather she is carried - ouch - anytime outside! We have resorted to piggy back rides when it's my turn to carry her!

Jackie said...

Has Madison decorated her cast yet? Half the fun of getting a cast is having everyone write on it.