Thursday, February 14, 2008

Beauty secrets from your kitchen

The Today Show this morning had a segment from Dr.Madelyn Fernstrom, about beauty secret finds in the kitchen.

Here are some quick tips for groceries good for the inside and outside:

In cooking, vinegar can be used alone or to add flavor without calories to our food, but what will it do if we use it on our hair? Believe it or not, vinegar is great for removing protein buildup.

Lemon Juice
A great source of Vitamin C, lemon juice also adds a punch to our locks by naturally enhancing blonde hair color.

Olive Oil
When used in our food, heart-healthy olive oil provides an adequate source of fat to prevent dryness. On our hair and skin, massaging olive oil into our scalp and hands also reduces dryness and flaky skin.

It may not be the healthiest fat in the grocery aisle, but it is great for hair and facial treatments. For the hair, simply massage into the scalp and leave in for one hour. For the face, massage and leave for several minutes; then rinse with water.

A great source of calcium and protein in our diets in its non-fat and low-fat varieties, bathing in whole milk or buttermilk are beneficial for the skin.

Fruits & Veggies
Mostly water and high in Vitamin C, cucumbers' properties help reduce puffiness and inflamed eyes. Grapefruits provide essential minerals and vitamins for our insides. On the outside, their acidic qualities aid in reducing body odor.

On the inside, oatmeal aids in lowering cholesterol while honey helps soothe sore throats. Oatmeal, when combined with honey creates a great natural face mask. Using these two ingredients together helps gets rid of rough skin cells. Simply apply to clean skin, massage gently, and rinse.

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