Monday, February 25, 2008

The Academy Awards

Wow, there were a couple of surprises last night. The buzz for the best actress category was suppose to go to Julie Christie for Away From Her or Ellen Page for Juno. The Oscar went to Marion Cotillard in La Vie en Rose. I did not see that movie so can't comment on the selection.

Next surprise was for the supporting actress category. The buzz was for Ruby Dee in American Gangster. Instead Tilda Swinton,from Michael Clayton won the Oscar. She was the only actress I saw in that category and I thought she did a great job. Not sure if anyone saw the academy awards yesterday but when Tilda went up to receive her award she looked completely different than the part she played......

Here are the rest of the winners:

Best picture: No Country for Old Men

Best director: Joel Coen and Ethan Coen, "No Country for Old Men"

Best actor: Daniel Day-Lewis, "There Will Be Blood"

Best actress: Marion Cotillard, "La Vie en Rose"

Best supporting actor: Javier Bardem, "No Country for Old Men";

Best supporting actress: Tilda Swinton, "Michael Clayton."

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