Saturday, January 5, 2008

Smelly luggage?

When we left Las Vegas to come to Milwaukee we noticed that the level of inspection of our on board bags was minimal. I wasn't even asked if I had any liquids in my purse. That was not the case in Milwaukee. While leaving to come back to Las Vegas we had to go through a number of inspections. Our on plane luggage was searched and re-searched. I was even instructed to remove all liquids from my purse. When we got back to Vegas we found that Tim suitcase was inspected. He had the little "Notice of Inspection" card in his suitcase. We wondered why his luggage should be hand inspected until we realized that the 8 pound ham that we bought in Milwaukee was in his suitcase. While the dogs that were used to sniff out drugs or bombs were checking out the luggage they probably went crazy when they smelled Tim's suitcase..... The inspectors thought they had found something until they opened up the case and found a 8 pound ham....Ha! Feel good leaving Milwaukee on a plane. If we were so closely monitored so was everyone else!


Anonymous said...

Who in their right mind would put a ham in their luggage. hmm..

Jackie said...

hmm...I wouldn't have had to put it in my luggage if you would have decided to eat it at home. Since you didn't want it then it was either throw it away or pack it up and bring it to Vegas. It was packed in aluminum foil and tons of plastic bags....