Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Northerners face greater heart disease from lack of sun

The Milwaukee Journal once again reported on the link between heart disease and vitamin D deficiency. Wisconsin residents (Northerners) need to supplement their intake of Vitamin D with pills from October through March. People who got increased levels of sun exposure or Vitamin D supplements had a better chance of surviving various cancers than those who got limited sun exposure.

The article says you should increase vitamin D supplements during the winter but unless you are in the sun everyday during the other months of the year, then you should continue taking vitamin D throughout the year. Tim and I take two 1000 IU softgel tablets a day. Tim will increase to 3 a day during the winter. You can overdose on Vitamin D so don't go over 2000 IU a day unless you are under doctor's orders. To read the article go to:


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