Monday, December 3, 2007

These Granite Islands - Sarah Stonich

During the summer I love to go rummaging and pick up used books to read. A couple of years ago I bought the book, These Granite Islands. On the back cover it gave great reviews so I bought it for 50 cents.

This past weekend I read the book. It was so good that I had a hard time putting it down. This morning I finished a great book. The only question I have, if someone reads the book or has read it, can you please tell me how do they think the husband died?

Here is a synopsis:

The novel is set in the small town of Cypress, Minnesota. Isobel, a former milliner, now an older woman on her deathbed, recalls the summer of 1936 -- a pivotal season that forever changed her life. It was the summer that bought a remote island where he took their two young sons to vacation while she stayed at home working in her hat shop with her daughter, Louisa. When a striking,woman named Cathryn enters the shop, she and Isobel forge a fast friendship, sharing intimacies and deep secrets. As Isobel says, "A person need only walk over your threshold and your life can become forever changed, lived under a different sky." The author weaves her story seamlessly between the present -- the elderly Isobel's hospital bed in the wake of a stroke -- and the past. Isobel examines her own tragic losses -- losses even more devastating than that of her friendship with Cathryn, forcing Isobel to view her life, her marriage, and her own choices in a new light.

This book was so good I look forward to reading more from this author.

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