Monday, November 19, 2007

We took the dam trail into Arizona.

Well actually we took the Hoover Dam trail. On Sunday we parked our car at Boulder City and took the new 4 mile trail into Hoover Dam. It is a historic Railroad Trail that flanks the Boulder Basin shoreline of Lake Mead and ends at Hoover Dam's parking garage. We ended up walking down to Hoover Dam and across the bridge into Arizona. We needed some extra energy for the walk back so stopped at the visitor center for a couple of soft serve ice cream cones. While starting our trek back to the car we decided to take the elevator back up to the parking structure instead of taking the five level of stairs. One of the security people stopped us and told us we looked too young to be taking the elevator. We told her we had just walked from Boulder and had to walk back...... She didn't say anything more. We walked a little over 8 miles. Beautiful view of Lake Mead, mountain sheep, and the Hoover Dam.

Beautiful view of Lake Mead from the trail

This is view of the old railroad bed (the trail that we are now walking on) and how it cuts close to the mountain

This is the first of five tunnels that we walked through.

You could hear the humming of the power at this station. All this power from the Hoover Dam supplies power to Nevada, Arizona and Southern California.

This is the view from the end of the trail (the top of the parking structure)of Hoover Dam.

We decided to walk down to the bridge. THis is a view of Lake Mead from one side of bridge. Notice the white rim along the sides, that is how high the lake once ways.

This is the view of the dam from the other side of the bridge.

This is the new Hoover Dam bypass that was supposed to be competed in 2008. High winds last year toppled the main crane that is used to construct the bridge. Construction should be completed in 2010.

While walking back we saw some mountain sheep grazing in the mountains. Look close near the bottom and in the middle.

A close up of some mountain sheep


Anonymous said...

hey! that looks like a fun trail.

At the 'Hoover camp' tour, they mentioned some problems and fights that came from the name of the dam. its pretty interesting. First.. named the Boulder dam (it was orig. set to be placed 8 miles upstream in Boulder canyon...but had moved downstream to the Black canyon). So, the secretary of interior at the time asked congress to change it to honor Hoover (president at inital phase of construction)- it was passed. When FDR came into office, his sec of interior told everyone to start calling it Boulder Dam again.. after their reign was over- Truman signed a law that stated it should be called hoover dam.

quick history. but interesting. Hoover definitely got the short end of every stick!!

Jackie said...

Thanks for the info. I heard the other day on TV that people still ask the National Park Rangers, were is Boulder Dam? So some people still have the name in their heads.