Wednesday, November 28, 2007

No Country for Old Men - Movie

Last night Tim and I went to see, No Country for Old Men. It was a movie that Ben and Kelly saw before Thanksgiving. They thought it was so good they told us to go see it. I have to tell you, usually Tim and I don't like the same movies that Kelly likes. One of his majors in college was film so he took a number of classes. He knows the ins and outs of what makes a good movie. Sometimes what he thinks are classics we think, ho hum. This movie was different. Kelly warned me that it was violent and bloody but to get past it. The movie is written, produced, directed, and edited by the Coen brothers.

This is the review from the New York Times

“No Country for Old Men,” adapted by Joel and Ethan Coen from Cormac McCarthy’s novel, is bleak, scary and relentlessly violent. At its center is a figure of evil so calm, so extreme, so implacable that to hear his voice is to feel the temperature in the theater drop.

But while that chilly sensation is a sign of terror, it may equally be a symptom of delight. The specter of Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem), a deadpan sociopath with a funny haircut, will feed many a nightmare, but the most lasting impression left by this film is likely to be the deep satisfaction that comes from witnessing the nearly perfect execution of a difficult task. “No Country for Old Men” is purgatory for the squeamish and the easily spooked. For formalists — those moviegoers sent into raptures by tight editing, nimble camera work and faultless sound design — it’s pure heaven.

The script follows Mr. McCarthy’s novel almost scene for scene, and what the camera discloses is pretty much what the book describes: a parched, empty landscape; pickup trucks and taciturn men; and lots of killing. But the pacing, the mood and the attention to detail are breathtaking, sometimes literally.

In one scene a man sits in a dark hotel room as his pursuer walks down the corridor outside. You hear the creak of floorboards and the beeping of a transponder, and see the shadows of the hunter’s feet in the sliver of light under the door. The footsteps move away, and the next sound is the faint squeak of the light bulb in the hall being unscrewed. The silence and the slowness awaken your senses and quiet your breathing, as by the simplest cinematic means — Look! Listen! Hush! — your attention is completely and ecstatically absorbed. You won’t believe what happens next, even though you know it’s coming.

By the time this moment arrives, though, you have already been pulled into a seamlessly imagined and self-sufficient reality. The Coens have always used familiar elements of American pop culture and features of particular American landscapes to create elaborate and hermetic worlds. Mr. McCarthy, especially in the western phase of his career, has frequently done the same. The surprise of “No Country for Old Men,” the first literary adaptation these filmmakers have attempted, is how well matched their methods turn out to be with the novelist’s.

The three lead actors — Tommy Lee Jones and Josh Brolin along with Mr. Bardem — are adept at displaying their natural wit even when their characters find themselves in serious trouble. The three are locked in a swerving, round-robin chase that takes them through the empty ranges and lonely motels of the West Texas border country in 1980. The three men occupy the screen one at a time, almost never appearing in the frame together, even as their fates become ever more intimately entwined.

Mr. Jones plays Ed Tom Bell, a world weary third-generation sheriff whose stoicism can barely mask his dismay at the tide of evil seeping into the world. Whether Chigurh is a magnetic force moving that tide or just a particularly nasty specimen carried in on it is one of the questions the film occasionally poses. The man who knows him best, a dandyish bounty-hunter played by Woody Harrelson, describes Chigurh as lacking a sense of humor. But the smile that rides up one side of Chigurh’s mouth as he speaks suggests a diabolical kind of mirth — just as the haircut suggests a lost Beatle from hell — and his conversation has a teasing, riddling quality. The punch line comes when he blows a hole in your head with the pneumatic device he prefers to a conventional firearm.

And the butt of his longest joke is Llewelyn Moss (Mr. Brolin), a welder who lives in a trailer with his wife, Carla Jean (Kelly MacDonald) and is dumb enough to think he’s smart enough to get away with taking the $2 million he finds at the scene of a drug deal gone bad. Chigurh is charged with recovering the cash (by whom is neither clear nor especially relevant), and poor Sheriff Bell trails behind, surveying scenes of mayhem and trying to figure out where the next one will be.

Still, if “No Country for Old Men” were a simple face-off between the sheriff’s goodness and Chigurh’s undiluted evil, it would be a far stiffer, less entertaining picture. Llewelyn is the wild card — a good old boy who lives on the borderline between good luck and bad, between outlaw and solid citizen — and Mr. Brolin is the human center of the movie, the guy you root for and identify with even as the odds against him grow steeper by the minute.

And the minutes fly by, leaving behind some unsettling notions about the bloody, absurd intransigence of fate and the noble futility of human efforts to master it. Mostly, though, “No Country for Old Men” leaves behind the jangled, stunned sensation of having witnessed a ruthless application of craft.

“No Country for Old Men” is rated R (Under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian). A lot of killin

This is a great fast pace, scary, bloody movie. Be warned it is violent and some of the scenes will cause you to jump in your seat. I have to agree with some of the the reviewer of this movie, the three main actors will be nominated for academy awards and this pictures will see a best movie nomination and will probably win.

Tim and I were still talking about this movie hours after seeing it. There is a lot of symbolisms in the movie and some scenes in which you have to figure out; who got the money? Did the wife die etc... See this before it comes out on video. The big picture and quality of sounds is something that you will not find sitting at home watching it on DVD. But, I'm looking forward to this coming on DVD so I can watch it a second time.

Go to this site to see a trailer of the movie:


Anonymous said...

im reading water for elephants right now.. i adore it...might be my favorite book of the year! i remember seeing it on your list and picked it up in the airport monday ... havent been able to put it down!!!
thanks for sharing ..otherwise i might have picked up a copy of Us magazine :) ha!

Jackie said...

I love that book! I'm glad that you are enjoying it. Have you read Under the Banner of Heaven? Its by the same author of, Into the Wild. Do you have any good reading recommendations?

Missy said...

I did Water for Elephants too and really enjoyed it! Such a nice light enjoyable story.

Anonymous said...

lets see.. i read under the banner a while ago. I bought it in the SLC airport :) favorites lately... The History of Love was pretty good, i forget who it was by..
i just read Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth gilbert. most people ive talked to about it really liked it ..but i was really rubbed the wrong way by her. Memory Keepers Daughter was really good, i liked it. and oh... thats about it. I also just read A Glass House - it was intense but a really well written and adventurous memoir.